The American Spirit is AWAKE!
Enough is Enough!
WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with your lies & bullshit and we are taking our Country back!
For 246 years, The United States of America has been a beacon on the World stage, for Freedom & Liberty! We have fought valiantly to end tyranny & oppression on foreign soil, as well as within our own borders. And for the past 50 years, we have enjoyed equality and peace, exposing our own hearts and continuing to root out those ideas and perceptions that would cause us to lose our humanity for our fellow man.
We have placed our trust in our elected representatives to do the same. And yet, unbeknownst to us, there were some nefarious agendas and characters at play behind the scenes within our media and government. All the while, many American people became complacent, as they have always known freedom.
Our media, government, politicians on both sides of the aisle, federal law enforcement, health organizations, and even the highest court in the land have obliterated the trust of the American people by their outright lies, deception, and ‘politics as usual’ attitude. Giving credit where credit is due, they did a great job lulling us into a false sense of security. And now here we are, 2022… all the players have been exposed, corruption and divisive agendas have permeated into the homes of the average American, all for the purpose of dividing families and communities, while weakening the American resolve of unity.
However, they overplayed their hand and have now awakened the sleeping giant of the American Spirit. The American spirit that is willing to lose their job for freedom of medical choice, the American spirit that no longer takes to heart the gaslighting and name calling of the marxist left. The American spirit that values freedom and love for our fellow man above all else, because without that, we become subjects and slaves to our government, not citizens.
It is the same American spirit that fought, bled, and died to establish this great nation and limiting the government’s rule over our citizens established in the Constitution, the same American spirit that pitted brother against brother to abolish slavery during the Civil War, the same American spirit that drove out the Nazi regime in Europe and then held them accountable with the Nuremberg Trials, the same American spirit that gave courage to a young black woman who refused to comply by sitting in the back of the bus and those amazing Americans that marched on Selma, ultimately changing our nation for the better. That American spirit has influenced nations to value Freedom!
The tyrannical elite of the government and media have tried to silence us, they continue to lie to us, pushing their Marxist agenda down our throats and commanding us to embrace it. ‘The Emporers New Cloths’ is a childrens fairytale, and yet you continue to push the narrative as if we cannot see the truth. Your motivation is power and greed, you use democracy as a ‘buzz’ word, but in your black hearts… you have turned your back on TRUE democracy and equity. You have lost your humanity and we are no longer deceived by the notion that you give a damn about the citizenry of our beloved United States.
WE THE PEOPLE have a message for you… Stand by, because the gloves are off! We are coming for you at the polls! We WILL not be silenced anymore. We WILL be watching you to ensure genuine election integrity. You WILL be held accountable and accept culpability for ALL of your deception and treasonous corruption. Our motivation is Freedom and the inalienable rights given to us by our Creator! We love our fellow man and hold a genuine desire for all American citizens to live in a safe and secure United States. The American Spirit is very much AWAKE, alive and well, and UNITED!